Das Jahr 2021 geht zu Ende. Definitiv ein gutes Jahr für die Drukhari. Zum Jahresabschluss (und kurz bevor vmtl. alles wieder im Lock-Down verschwindet), ein letztes 3-Runden Turnier in Basel mit Dark Eldar!

++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Aeldari – Drukhari) [31 PL, 600pts, 12CP] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) 

Detachment Command Cost

. *Custom Coven*: Dark Technomancers (All-Consuming)

+ HQ +

Drazhar [8 PL, 145pts]: Hatred Eternal, Warlord

+ Troops +

Wracks [3 PL, 40pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Acothyst: Wrack Blade
. 4x Wracks: 4x Wrack Blade

+ Heavy Support +

Cronos [12 PL, 250pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Cronos: Spirit Probe
. Cronos: Spirit Vortex
. Cronos: Spirit Vortex

Cronos [8 PL, 165pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Cronos: Spirit Probe
. Cronos: Spirit Vortex

++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Aeldari – Drukhari) [26 PL, 405pts, -2CP] ++

+ Configuration +

Detachment Command Cost

Obsession: Kabal of the Black Heart: Thirst for Power

Raiding Forces – CP Refund

+ Stratagems +

Stratagem: Prizes from the Dark City [-1CP]

+ No Force Org Slot +

Court of the Archon [10 PL, 100pts]: As Detachment (Kabal)
. Sslyth
. Sslyth
. Ur-Ghul: As Detachment (Kabal)
. Ur-Ghul: As Detachment (Kabal)
. Ur-Ghul: As Detachment (Kabal)
. Ur-Ghul: As Detachment (Kabal)

+ HQ +

Archon [4 PL, 75pts, -1CP]: Ancient Evil, As Detachment (Kabal), Huskblade, Overlord, Splinter Pistol, Stratagem: Tolerated Ambition, The Animus Vitae

+ Troops +

Kabalite Warriors [3 PL, 50pts]: As Detachment (Kabal)
. 3x Kabalite Warrior: 3x Splinter Rifle
. Kabalite Warrior w/ Special Weapon: Blaster
. Sybarite: Splinter Rifle

+ Elites +

Mandrakes [3 PL, 75pts]
. 4x Mandrake: 4x Baleblast, 4x Glimmersteel Blade
. Nightfiend

+ Dedicated Transport +

Raider [6 PL, 105pts]: As Detachment, Dark Lance

++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Aeldari – Drukhari) [64 PL, 995pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Detachment Command Cost

. *Custom Coven*: Artists of the Flesh (All-Consuming)

Raiding Forces – CP Refund

+ HQ +

Succubus [4 PL, 95pts]: 1 – Adrenalight (Combat Drug), As Detachment (Wych Cult), The Triptych Whip
. Agoniser & Archite Glaive
. Show Stealer (Custom): Show Stealer

+ Troops +

Wracks [6 PL, 61pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Acothyst: Electrocorrosive Whip
. 6x Wracks: 6x Wrack Blade

Wracks [6 PL, 69pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Acothyst: Electrocorrosive Whip
. 7x Wracks: 7x Wrack Blade

+ Elites +

Grotesques [12 PL, 175pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Grotesque w/ Monstrous Cleaver
. Grotesque w/ Monstrous Cleaver
. Grotesque w/ Monstrous Cleaver
. Grotesque w/ Monstrous Cleaver
. Grotesque w/ Monstrous Cleaver

Grotesques [12 PL, 175pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Grotesque w/ Monstrous Cleaver
. Grotesque w/ Monstrous Cleaver
. Grotesque w/ Monstrous Cleaver
. Grotesque w/ Monstrous Cleaver
. Grotesque w/ Monstrous Cleaver

+ Heavy Support +

Talos [12 PL, 210pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Talos: Macro-scalpel, Talos Gauntlet
. . Two heat lances
. Talos: Macro-scalpel, Talos Gauntlet
. . Two heat lances

Talos [12 PL, 210pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Talos: Talos Gauntlet, Talos ichor injector
. . Two heat lances
. Talos: Talos Gauntlet, Talos ichor injector
. . Two heat lances

++ Total: [121 PL, 10CP, 2,000pts] ++